Certain elements from my dreams have given me ideas for writing at times. Unfortunately, I usually either don’t remember my dreams, or they are just weird and random. Hmm the last dream I can remember was…..I know it was a weird one. I think I was at a party with a bunch of people I knew, and then it randomly changed into being in some house with people I didn’t know. That’s actually not nearly as weird as some of my dreams!
When did you first start writing? And when were you first published?
I first started writing when I was 5 or 6 years old. It’s always been something I was interested in. I was first published just this year, 2014. I finally decided I was going to get some books written and self-publish and just get ‘em out there and see what happened. So I did ☺ I’ve got 6 books and 2 sets currently on the market now. None have really taken off yet, but I always have hope!
What is it about 'chick lit' that appeals to you the most? Do you read other genres?
I’d say ‘chick lit’ usually gives you that emotional experience and connection to the characters that other genres don’t always give you to the same degree. I do read other genres. I love humor, a good mystery, YA (even though I’m getting a bit old for it) if the plot sounds good to me I’ll try just about any genre.
Can you tell us a little about your latest book?
Sure! My most recently published book (not counting the boxed sets because they’re just previous books grouped together) is Stealing Back Love. It’s about a housewife who is feeling like she’s in a rut with her marriage and her life in general. She goes to her 20th high school reunion and is reunited with her high school boyfriend, who is now wildly rich and successful, and still sexy as ever. He knows she’s married now, but still pursues her, and she has to decide if she’s willing or even capable of having an affair and/or actually leaving her husband altogether for the prospect of a more exciting, passionate life. Just for the record I do not condone having affairs or anything of that nature. I think there are times where everyone has felt like they’re in a rut, so I figured this story would be relatable to a lot of women. Plus, that’s what good books can do, is give you a chance to live out fantasies that are just that, fantasy.
What inspired you to write it?
Nothing specific, just the idea that we’ve all been in a rut or wondered what could have been at some point in our lives, and I wanted to take a character and a storyline that explored that in depth.
Who designs your covers?
I’ve had multiple cover designers depending on the book. I use individual freelancers and my experience has been good with that method. The designs are great and the price is reasonable.
If your latest book was made into a film, who would you cast?
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photo credit: xploitme via photopin cc |
What's your favourite 'chick lit' book that made it to the big screen?
I’d have to say The Notebook. That movie was just so well done and so emotional and everything else. Great story, great movie, just great.
What were the last two books you read?
Top Secret Twenty One by Janet Evanovich, she’s one of my fav authors, and the other was Fifth Grave Past the Light by Darynda Jones. That’s a series I just got into recently (Charley Davidson series) and I am HOOKED! Darynda Jones is definitely one of my new fav authors!
Name one female author you think deserves to be better known.
I could probably name a dozen. So many authors are really good and just not that well known because there’s so many out there! As previously mentioned Darynda Jones. Also Kate Carlisle and Jennie Bentley. Those are 3 main ones I can think of off the top of my head.
Where do you write?
Wherever the mood strikes me. Usually at home at my desk. But sometimes I’ll wake up in the middle of the night and have an idea and I just have to scramble for a pen and paper and write some then. Hotels if we’re away for a weekend or on vacation. Never know when or where the mood will strike!
Tell us a random fact about yourself.
I’m a huge animal lover and am more likely to say hi to a random animal I see than a random person.
Who would play you in the movie about your life?
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photo credit: tiinal91 via photopin cc |
Tell us an interesting fact about where you live.
Where I live really isn’t all that interesting to be honest!
What are your (writing) plans for the future?
Right now I’m working on a YA series that I’m extremely excited about. It should be coming out within the next few months and my intention is to have many more in that series after that.
Tell us one thing that's on your bucket list.
I’d love to go to Europe at least once.
Name one of your all time favourite songs.
What do you listen to whilst writing?
Nothing at all. Whenever I’ve had music or TV or anything on while writing, it distracts me and I can’t concentrate. Or even worse, I’ve been known to then start typing song lyrics without even realizing it, which could be very embarrassing.
Who (or what) did you want to be when you were a kid?
I think at some point I wanted to be darn near everything lol. Let’s see, a lawyer, a singer, a psychologist, writer was always one, dancer, vet, the list goes on and on…
Roselyn Jewell enjoys writing everything from clean romances with great plots to books that would make even sailors blush! Roselyn's husband enjoys helping her "research," her children will never know about her novels, and her many siblings will never let her live them down! She currently has 7 books published, and multiple others in various stages of publication, so stay tuned for more! Enjoy!
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