17 Jul 2015

Unlikely Allies by C.C. Koen

Unlikely Allies by C.C. Koen
Publication date: June 13th 2015
Genres: Adult, Contemporary, Romance

What happens when a single mom’s four-year-old daughter falls in love with Mr. Right and she doesn’t?
Maggie Tyson’s rule: no bad boys. Her incarcerated ex-husband broke her of that attraction. Needing to escape his threats and the scrutiny of the people in her hometown, Maggie relocates to New York City. Determined to not make the same mistakes, she has a mile-long list of dos and don’ts. Unfortunately, her daughter, Cecily, doesn’t like to follow them. When Cecily wanders away from her and right into Rick Stone’s office, Maggie knows he’s the exact type she’s been trying to avoid. Can she resist him or will she succumb to his willful charm?
Rick Stone’s rule: bed them don’t wed them. Running a multi-billion dollar business doesn’t leave him with much time to do anything else, particularly with an overbearing grandfather breathing down his neck. But when a man works hard, he needs to play even harder. Voted America’s most eligible bachelor, Rick doesn’t have any problems getting women into his bed—except one.
Two auburn beauties stumble into his life.
One will break his heart.
The other—heal it.
Will he love or leave them?

Can you tell us a little about your latest book?
Unlikely Allies is an unconventional contemporary romance. The driving force is four-year-old, Cece. There are many ups and downs before the male and female main characters find their way to one another.

What inspired you to write it?
Unlikely Allies came about from a writing prompt in a critique group I belong too. Before I knew it, my mind was going crazy with ideas.

How did you come up with the idea for the cover?
I found the cover on SelfPubCovers.com. The instant I saw it, I knew it would be perfect for Unlikely Allies.

If it was made into a movie, who would you like to play the main characters?
Lots of options for the celeb cast.

Heroine: Maggie Tyson
Karen Gillan
Emma Stone
Lindy Booth

Hero: Rick “Max” Stone
Maksim Chmerkovskiy or here
Eddie Cibrian
Dean Cain
Chris Pine
Noah Mills
Marlon Teixeira herehere or here.

Is it part of a series or is it a stand-alone novel?
Unlikely Allies is a stand-alone novel.

Where is the novel set and why did you choose to set it there?
New York City. My first two novels were in the big apple and it just seemed to be the right location.

What is it about this genre that appeals to you so much?
The beauty of romance novels is that there are so many possibilities, but in the end, an HEA is what readers want. Romances provide readers with an opportunity to experience true love and happiness over and over and over again.

What made you want to become an author?
I became a writer by accident. My first novel, Intensity came to me as a fantasy while I was driving to work one day. Driving can be boring and my mind often wanders. I have to admit the original story was very different from the finished tale. I wrote an article about the experience at Savvy Authors titled, Take Your Time, but Hurry Up! A Newbie Author Selfie.

How do you come up with character names?
I’m a name junkie and have always been intrigued by why people end up with the name they have. I often look up names and what they mean in various names dictionaries. I want my characters to embody their name.

Name one of your all-time favourite books?
I have so many, but if I had to choose, I’d select Nora Roberts, Chesapeake Bay Saga/Series. I’ve reread it many times.

Who, or what, inspires you?
I’m intrinsically motivated, so external motivation isn’t really a factor for me.

Where is your favourite place to write?
I wish I could tell you I wrote at the beach every day because that would be my ideal. I’d love to rent a beach house for an entire summer and write like crazy. However, since I have back and neck issues, I have to lay down with my laptop and write on the couch in the living room.

What is your favourite movie that was based on a book?
I just recently read the YA novel, If I Stay, which was made into a movie. Loved the book, bought the movie. Tear jerker!

Name two of your favourite authors.

Nora Roberts, Harlan Coben

Tell us a random fact about yourself.
I’m a skeptic. But also an optimist.

Who would play you in the movie about your life?
OMG! I have no idea. Hilarious question. Goodness…hmm…I was told when I was young-er that I resembled Justine Bateman. I never noticed any similar features between us, but whatever, I pick her by default.

Tell us an interesting fact about where you live.
Ah…now we’re getting into stalker territory (hehe), well, I live in a steel town. At least it used to be before the steel industry took a dive in the 70s.

What are your (writing) plans for the future?
I always have tons of ideas that are swirling around in my head. I have a notebook that includes all my brainstorming. Anyway, my future plans involve completing the sequel of my debut novel, Intensity, which was published in 2014. I also have the third novel in that series to finalize, which is expected to be released in 2016.

Tell us one thing that's on your bucket list.
I want to visit Australia.

Favourite myth / fairytale?
Love these questions! My favorite fairytale is How the Elephant Got His Skin.

Who/What did you want to be when you were a kid?
I went through a number of possibilities: fashion designer, model, and journalist.

C.C. Koen writes contemporary romance with a twist. An avid reader who enjoys mystery and suspense, her stories will never be what you expect. Determined to find adventure in her dreams and life, she enjoys skydiving, sailing and any activity that challenges her. Teacher by day, romance writer at night produce an active imagination that comes to life in her writing.

Tour-wide giveaway (INTL)
A prize pack goodie bag (incl items from the story)

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. Thank you for participating in the Unlikely Allies tour.

  2. Very happy to have you here!!


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