29 Aug 2015

Bullet by Jade C. Jamison

Epic Re-Release of Bullet, Jade C. Jamison’s first book in the Bullet Series. Limited Time Only
Bullet special
The story you love–now bigger and better than ever!
~ ~ ~
An Epic Rock Star Novel
What if you discover the man you want is toxic?
She tasted a little bit of heaven with him, and now they’ve gone through hell and back, but can their relationship take anymore?
Valerie Quinn is a naïve college freshman when she meets on-the-rise rock star Ethan Richards. He’s an idealistic, handsome, reckless young man, but he’s captured her heart. She doesn’t give up on him and eventually his walls crumble down. By the time Valerie has given herself to him completely, she discovers he’s damaged and may be beyond help. Can she save Ethan and their relationship before he implodes, or will he self-destruct and take her with him?

First and foremost, if you are reading this, you need to know that this edition of Bullet will be on sale for a limited time only. The author will be selling it for three months and then it will be gone forever, so if you want your copy, snatch it up now!
The first fifty orders will get a limited edition FULLY AUTOMATIC guitar pick with their book!
Here’s what you get in this special edition:
•Updated cover
•373 pages of awesomeness! (These are the BIG pages like the original paperback!)
•Bonus chapter (new last chapter with scenes that occur after the original Bullet and in the timeline between Rock Bottom and Feverish)
•Lots of additional material having to do with the Bullet universe (alternate POV scenes, additional scenes, and a deleted scene)
•First glance at Zane’s book (Bullet #6)
When summer’s over…say bye-bye to this special edition. It will never be available in any other format and it will never be available again.
The author will also sign every copy and will even personalize upon request. Want to check it out already?

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