28 Aug 2015

Interview with Jay Walking author, Tracy Krimmer

Chelsea Wyatt, a single mom trying to build a life for her and her son, is sick of the body she sees in the mirror. A daily diet of Cookie Crisp cereal is not doing wonders for her mood or her figure, and it’s time for a change. Setting out to get fit, she commits herself to a daily walking plan, forcing herself to give up her all-sugar and carb diet, a difficult task at her donut obsessed job.
But her plan goes sideways when a stumble on the ice puts her in the arms of Jay, an attractive young man out on a run. They grab coffee together, and Chelsea finds herself thinking about him long after their short meeting. The thought of dating again hadn’t crossed her mind in years, and she doesn’t even know if Jay is available, or if he would be interested in her despite her unfit body.
Just when she has a handle on her new routine, her past catches up with her, throwing her blossoming relationship with Jay and the rest of her life into chaos. Can Chelsea hold onto the people she loves most, or will a wrong turn set her up for failure?
This is book 2 of the Pastime Pursuits series, and can be read as a stand-alone novel.

Hi Tracy! When did you first start writing? And when were you first published?
I first started writing in grade school. We kept a notebook that we wrote tiny stories and drew pictures in. Technically I was first published in the school newspaper and again in a vanity press in 1992. I was so excited because I didn’t know that with a vanity press they publish you as long as you pay! Still, it was an exciting experience for me as a kid.

What is it about 'chick lit' / 'romance' that appeals to you the most? Do you read other genres? 
I enjoy it’s light hearted and a quick read. I can read it with distractions around and still keep straight what’s happening! The female leads are typically strong and easily relatable. I read a lot of other genres, including science fiction.

Can you tell us a little about your latest release? 
Jay Walking is about a single mom who wants to lose her baby weight and meets a man in the process. The book deals with self-image and fighting for what you believe to be what you think is best. Sometimes you need to sit back and reevaluate a situation to realize it’s not right for you.

What inspired you to write it? 
My Pastime Pursuits series is about being active. The first book in the series, Caching In, focuses on geocaching which includes a lot of hiking! This book starts with walking and eventually leads to running. I think having an active lifestyle is important and I wanted to showcase that in this book.

If it was made into a film, who would you cast as the main characters? 
I have thought of this and I picture Zachary Levi as Jay and Scarlett Alice Johnson as Chelsea.

What is your favourite book that made it to the big screen? 
Gone Girl. Loved the book and the movie.

What was the last book you read and would you recommend it? 
These Broken Stars by Amie Kaufman and Meagan Spooner. It’s a young adult sci-fi / fantasy book. The writing is beautiful and it kept me on my toes. I am reading the sequel, This Shattered World, right now.

Where do you currently write? 
And where would be your dream writing location? I write mostly at my kitchen counter! I put my laptop out in the morning and write in small 500 – 1000 word spurts, usually. My dream writing location would be on a balcony overlooking either a lake or a breathtaking skyline and a perfect 75 degrees.

Tell us a random fact about yourself. 
I don’t watch football, which is uncalled for where I live.

Tell us an interesting fact about where you live. 
How about this – we don’t even have a Target!

What inspires you as an author? 
Everything inspires me. I may see someone on a bike or a piece of paper or smell something and it sparks an idea.

What are your (writing) plans for the future? 
I’m writing a third book in the Pastime Pursuits series right now. That will probably come out next. I have a few other stories in the works.

What do you listen to whilst writing? 
It depends on what I’m writing. I like a playlist according to what fits the mood of the book.

Name one of your all time favourite songs. 
This is so hard! There are a few songs I loved as a kid that I’ll always love, like “Back Where You Belong” by 38 Special and “Leader of the Pack” by Shangri-Las. Modern day, I love Maroon 5 & Pink.

Tracy's love of writing began at nine years old. She wrote stories about aliens at school, machines that did homework for you, and penguins. Now she pens books and short stories about romance. She loves to read a great book, whether it be romance or science fiction, or any genre in between, or pop popcorn and catch up on her favorite TV shows or movies. She's been known to crush a candy or two as well. Her first romance novel, Pieces of it All, released in May 2014 followed in December with Caching In, a romance mixed with the hobby of geocaching. She also has written several short stories. You can find her on the following social media sites: 
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